Community Vision Word Cloud
Community Vision Word Cloud
Buncombe County is working with residents to create our first 20-Year Comprehensive Plan. Help us start creating a vision for what we want our county to be by sharing up to four words or short phrases. This survey will be used to create a visual representation of our collective vision for the future. Keep an eye out for additional surveys, activities, and events starting in mid-December 2021 as we unveil our first phase of community engagement to help create the Comprehensive Plan.
For more information visit the website at
- Write one word or phrase to describe what you want Buncombe to be like within 20 years.
- Do not use phrases that require commas. (Example of a two-word phrase: 'Clean air')
- You can submit up to four separate words or phrases using the boxes below.
To help us reach all residents of Buncombe, we want to know if you live or work in the county, or if you travel here from somewhere else:
This is hidden text that lets us know when google translate runs.