The Response to Recovery Model charts the trajectory of typical disaster recovery timelines. In the case of Helene, the Buncombe County immediate response, or emergency response, was significantly slowed due to the ongoing water outages due to the extensive damage to our public water infrastructure. 

Response to Recovery Graphic

The Response to Recovery Model charts the typical trajectory of disaster recovery.


Recovery Support Functions

Buncombe County has established a recovery framework, in alignment with state and federal frameworks, that includes seven Recovery Support Functions (RSFs) centered on the most critical issues for our County to coordinate recovery operations. These RSFs include task forces led by our County to ensure recovery efforts prioritize the needs and concerns of our residents. Task forces also include a variety of local, state, and federal partners that can offer support and coordinate community-based recovery activities. Each Recovery Support Function is aligned with long-term goals and will coordinate resources, track progress, and meet specific needs within the community. Currently, each RSF is working to develop a Task Force of subject matter experts to identify intermediate recovery needs within their scope, a develop strategies to address those needs.

Think of Recovery Support Functions as focus areas for rebuilding our community. RSFs include the following categories:

  • Debris Management
  • Economic Revitalization
  • Health and Social Services/ Education
  • Housing
  • Infrastructure
  • Natural and Cultural Resources


Recovery Support Functions

Buncombe County Recovery Support Functions include debris management, economic revitalization, health and social services, housing, infrastructure, and natural and cultural resources.


Debris Management

Cleaning up storm debris is an important first step in safely getting our community back to normal. There are millions of cubic yards of debris to remove across the County. Removing storm debris reduces hazards, gives access to homes, helps businesses reopen, and allows us to welcome people back to public spaces like parks. The City and County are working with FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, Tetra Tech, and other partners to handle the debris responsibly given the enormity of the damage and amount of debris. Programs for private property debris removal, title property cleanup, and waterway restoration are all underway.
Economic Recovery
Getting Buncombe County's economy back on track is vital for the whole region. It’s important to support local jobs, bolster businesses, and keep the unique feel of our community. Helping businesses recover helps protect jobs and improves the overall well-being of everyone. Recovery efforts are focused on the areas hit hardest by the flood, but helping businesses reopen and succeed is a focus area for recovery.
Health and Social Services
Helene's impact on the health and well-being of our residents was immense. This recovery area focuses on supporting community members medically, behaviorally, and environmentally. Programs in this support function also focus on social service recovery needs Focused on ensuring the health and well-being of residents with attention to the social determinants of health, including consideration of medical, mental, behavioral, and environmental health concerns and social service recovery needs.
Safe, affordable housing is key to community well-being and a major part of our recovery. Hurricane Helene made existing housing problems worse, so it’s crucial to replace lost homes, add more affordable units, repair damage, and support market-rate housing. To date, FEMA has approved $324 million in disaster relief to 146,000+ households and individuals beginning their recovery. That includes money to help rent a home or apartment.
Our community relies on strong infrastructure to thrive. From roads and public transportation to communication and public safety systems, rebuilding is essential to keep Buncombe County connected and resilient. This effort meets immediate needs like access to homes and neighborhoods through private roads and bridges, floodplain management to prevent future losses, and mitigating future risks from natural disasters.
Natural & Cultural Resources
Buncombe County's 656 square miles of natural beauty and cultural heritage are a big part of what makes us who we are. Protecting and restoring these resources helps our community stay strong and continue to inspire residents and visitors alike. From parks and green spaces to historic sites and public art, recovery efforts focus on preserving these treasures and fostering social connections.



Helene Spend Tracking Dashboard

Helene Transparency Dashboard

This Helene-specific dashboard reflects Buncombe County spending and potential spending activity related to Tropical Storm Helene. It is the intention of Buncombe County to seek reimbursement for Helene related spending, where allowable. Data is refreshed on a monthly basis and totals may change as spending activity is further evaluated as to how it relates to the disaster. 

Watch Weekly Community Briefings here

One Buncombe Call Center

Important Numbers


  • OneBuncombe Call Center (828)-250-6100
  • FEMA Helpline at 1-800-621-3362
  • Questions about Debris  (828)-250-6100 , Option #2
  • Asheville Water Department  (828)- 251-1122
  • Emergency Shelter    211
  • Permits Department  (828)-250-5360
  • Planning Department (828) 250-4830
  • ​Text BCalert to 99411 to sign up for local alerts and up-to-date information


Resources for Your Next Steps: Helene Recovery Resource Guide

Helene Recovery Resource Guide

Click here to view the Helene Recovery Resource Guide.


Contribute Your Personal Stories to the Digital Community ArchiveCome Hell or High Water Special Collection memory project

Learn more about the Friends of Buncombe County Special Collections digital memory project here.

Rain Began 9/26/2024

Evacuations Orders Issued to Residents 9/26/2024

Community Shelters Opened 9/27/2024

Presidential Disaster Declaration 9/30/2024

City of Asheville Lifts Boil Water Advisory 11/18/2024

Long Term Recovery Group Kickoff 11/18/2024

Personal Property Debris Removal Program Launches 11/19/2024

Hazard Mitigation Grant Launches November 2024

Governor Stein Signs Five Helene Recovery Executive Orders 1/2/2025

Learn more about the executive orders here

FEMA Individual Assistance Application Deadline 3/8/2025

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Deadline November 2025