Question title

Which of these should definitely be considered when deciding whether to consolidate the school systems? Check as many as apply.

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Question title

Of the factors you identified, please rank in order the top 3 most important things that should be considered when deciding whether to consolidate the school systems?

Question title

Which of these should definitely NOT be considered when deciding whether to consolidate the school systems? Check as many as apply.

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Question title

If Asheville City Schools and Buncombe County Schools do consolidate, what would worry you most about the change?

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If Asheville City Schools and Buncombe County Schools do consolidate, what would excite you the most about the change?

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How long have you lived in Buncombe County?

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Which community do you live in?

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What is your age?

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Question title

If you have additional thoughts about potential school system consolidation, please share them here.