Take the Survey

Question title

What kinds of activities would you like to see available on Passive Recreation Lands developed by the County? Select your top three choices.

Remember that Passive Recreation Lands provide opportunities for recreational activities that require minimal stress on a site's resources, so some traditional park activities may not be available on these lands.

hiking trails
natural playgrounds
gathering areas/ tables/ areas for food gatherings
biking/ mountain biking trails
educational activities/ information stations
rock climbing/ bouldering
Closed to responses | 416 Responses

Question title

The draft criteria for selecting Passive Recreation Land Projects includes the following categories: accessibility, feasibility, equity, alignment with County plans and needs, costs/leveraging of funds, and conservation and environmental impact. Please rank the criteria by order of which category is most important to you.

Closed to responses | 299 Responses

Question title

Are there additional criteria categories you think should be included?

Closed for Comments

Question title

Tell us more about what you envision for conservation and environmental efforts on Passive Recreation Lands. What elements, practices, and protections should be considered?

Closed for Comments

Question title

How would you prefer to access Passive Recreation Lands? Choose the options that would work best for you.

walk or use trail/greenway systems to access
drive and park
biking access
transit lines, buses
Closed to responses | 300 Responses

Question title

Passive Recreation Lands are unique in the way they utilize conserved lands for recreation purposes. How would you like to see Open Space Bond funds prioritized for Passive Recreation Lands? (rank your preference)

Closed to responses | 244 Responses

Question title

Please use this area to share any additional questions, comments, or concerns about Passive Recreation Lands or the criteria development.

Closed for Comments

Watch this video with Buncombe County Parks Director Allison Dains to learn more about Passive Recreation Lands.

Tierras de Recreación Pasiva | Condado de Buncombe

Obtenga más información sobre la recreación pasiva y los recursos disponibles en el condado de Buncombe.