Think about Buncombe County 5 years ago, what was it like to be a part of the Buncombe County community at that time? Think about your work, your family, the environment, businesses, culture, health, government, transportation, anything that comes to mind for you.

Now, think about Buncombe County today, and what has changed.

Question title

In the last few years, the changes I've noticed in Buncombe County have created the following opportunities and positive impacts in my life....

Complete the sentence

Question title

In the last few years, some changes in Buncombe County have presented obstacles, pressures, and challenges for me, such as...

Complete the sentence

In this section, please share your thoughts about what you would like Buncombe County to prioritize in the next five years. How should the Board of Commissioners allocate their budget, prioritize programs, or take action in each of the following categories?

Please note - each category below is optional. You may skip and leave the answer space blank for any category around which you have no feedback or suggestions.

Question title

The Board of Commissioners should allocate their budget, prioritize programs, or take action in education by...

Complete the sentence

Question title

The Board of Commissioners should allocate their budget, prioritize programs, or take action in economic development by...

Complete the sentence

Question title

The Board of Commissioners should allocate their budget, prioritize programs, or take action in public safety & health by...

Complete the sentence

Question title

The Board of Commissioners should allocate their budget, prioritize programs, or take action in growth & development by...

Complete the sentence

Question title

The Board of Commissioners should allocate their budget, prioritize programs, or take action in energy & environment by...

Complete the sentence

Question title

Please use this space to list any priorities for action that do not fit in any of the categories above.

Question title

Do you see a need or opportunity to consider equity in any of the priorities you listed above? How so?

Question title

Which of the following best describes your worker status?

Select a response

Participant Demographics

Please answer the following questions regarding your personal demographic background. County planners are collecting this information to allow for equity analysis of those reached (or missed) in the 2030 strategic planning public engagement efforts. This information will allow planners to identify gaps, and plan additional outreach events as needed to fill those gaps, to ensure that the voices heard in this strategic planning process are reflective of the Buncombe County community as a whole. 

This survey is anonymous and will not be connected to any input provided during this event.

Question title

Which of the following best describes your race? Check all that apply.

Select a response

Question title

Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or other Spanish ancestry?

Select a response

Question title

What is your age?

Select a response

Question title

What is your gender identity?

Select a response

Question title

What is your home zip code?

Please type " I prefer not to answer" if that is your preference.

Read more about the 2030 Strategic Plan by clicking on the image below.

2030 Strategic Plan Launch Article